Residents now have better access to mental health resources that are available to the Upper Hunter community. The Healthy Minds Upper Hunter app was unveiled on Wednesday 30 October as part of National Mental Health Month.
About 100 community members, including Upper Hunter MP Michael Johnsen and Upper Hunter Shire mayor Wayne Bedggood, attended the function at the Muswellbrook RSL Club - and everyone left the presentation thoroughly impressed.
Healthy Minds Upper Hunter contains localised mental health services, emergency services, crisis hotlines, GPs and hospitals with direct calling and website access, as well as national organisations.
It also features a few signs and symptoms of poor mental health; along with staying well and recovery tips, too.
"We're very excited as we feel it will have a positive effect on the community," said Jessica Dallah, of UHCS, who was heavily involved in the concept.
"The aim of the app is to bring together all the information for residents to easily access in one place. It's super basic and straight forward - we tried to keep it as simple as possible.
"We developed the app and website because it was identified that people in the Upper Hunter didn't know where to look for mental health support.
"So, it's specifically localised to our community.
"Mental health and wellbeing, especially in the current circumstances of the drought, is definitely being impacted.
"Many residents are feeling overwhelmed and severe ongoing stress can be a risk factor.
"With the development of Healthy Minds Upper Hunter in the form of an app and website, we believe it will help everyone bridge the gap on accessing information.
"By simply having a place to start can make the process a little less overwhelming.
"I have to acknowledge our partnership with BHP Mt Arthur, as the ongoing support through the Community Capacity Building (CCB) program is greatly valued.
"Without their assistance, we could not achieve this."
Visit the Healthy Minds Upper Hunter website or install the app using the below links.