The Upper Hunter Community, Youth Development and Support Services provides essential support to youth services and providers across the communities of Singleton, Muswellbrook, Merriwa, Scone, Denman, Aberdeen, and Murrurundi.
Youth Development Officer
The Youth Development Officer (YDO) facilitates bi-monthly Upper Hunter Youth Network Meetings, offering youth workers and professionals a platform to discuss youth-related issues and enhance their skills and knowledge for effective collaboration with young people.
What else does this program offer? We work closely with young people, and other service providers in our communities. Our services include case management for youth aged 8–17 years, advice, guidance, and information for individuals needing referrals, youth sector worker training, school-based training in secondary schools, and targeted early intervention to support young people at risk. The YDO also plays a pivotal role in identifying and understanding the needs of young people, while promoting positive perceptions of youth within the community.
In addition, the YDO organises events and festivals throughout the year for young people and their families. The YDO also provides support and encouragement to organisations running youth events, assisting in promoting these initiatives through radio, Facebook, and local newspapers.
Co-ordinator: Jess Dallah
Muswellbrook High School Support for Schools
The Support for Schools Worker (SFS) provides case management and facilitates programs to improve educational outcomes of MHS students and primary students from the MHS feeder schools, Denman Public, Sandy Hollow Public, Muswellbrook Public and Muswellbrook South Public.
In addition, SFS supports young people to achieve goals, address barriers, support individual needs and works with schools to provide the best possible educational outcome for young people.
Youth Worker: Elley Hunt
Youth on the Move
The Youth on the Move Project (YOTM) provides case management for young people 16-24 years residing in Muswellbrook and Upper Hunter Shire Council LGA's who are disengaged from education to achieve goals, source employment opportunities, upskill, re-engage in alternative education (TAFE, Online Learning), address barriers and support individual needs.
Youth Worker: Marty Morris
Youth Development Project Directory
Youth Beyondblue website | Youth support for Mental Health |
Hunter New England Health | Pre-natal education, young parent support, sexual assault worker, speech pathologist |
Counselling Services | A variety of counselling services available across the Upper Hunter area |
Support Services
Upper Hunter Youth Development Officer | Ensures all young people have appropriate access to services and advocacy. |
Upper Hunter Homeless Support | Phone: 02 6542-5051, Assists with short-term and permanent accommodation |
Upper Hunter Family Support Service | Support to parents who have children aged 0-12 years. |
Aboriginal Family Worker | Support to Aboriginal parents who have children aged 0-8 years. |
PCYC | Fitness, sporting, educational & cultural activities |
Upper Hunter Youth Services Muswellbrook | Activity Centre for 10-18 yrs and their families Activities, Counselling and Support |
Singleton Youth Venue | Provides social and recreational opportunities for youth and their families |
Upper Hunter Youth Services Scone, Merriwa and Murrurundi | Linking young people socially to connect with support services |
Upper Hunter Shire Youth Council | Students from Upper Hunter schools who meet to discuss issues relevant to young people and who also put on events |
Samaritans | Disability, youth, family, mental health & community services |
Muswellbrook Library | Borrowing, computer and internet access, free wifi, family history research facilities |
Challenge Community Services | Provide support and services to community members with a disability |
Intellectual Disability Rights Service | Specialist legal advocacy service for people with an intellectual disability. |
Endeavour Group | Endeavour Group provides disability support and service |
Disability Advocacy | Provides advocacy for those people with disabilities |
Ability Links | Assisting people with a disability |
Hunter Community Legal Centre | Free legal advice to people |
OCHRE,Opportunity Hub.Upper Hunter | Provides Aboriginal young people with the confidence and knowledge to follow a supported pathway between secondary school and further education and/or employment |
Ungooroo Aboriginal Corporation | Linking Aboriginal people to health services, training and education opportunities and art and cultural programs |
Wanaruah Aboriginal Land Council | Protects the interests and further the aspirations of the broader Aboriginal community |
Home In Place | Home In Place primarily aims to alleviate the hardship of housing stress for low-to moderate-income-earning households |
Police, Youth and DV Liaison Officer |
Youth and DV liaison officer |
Employment and Training
Aberdeen St Josephs High School | |
Merriwa Central School | |
Muswellbrook High School | |
Scone Grammar School | |
Scone High School | |
Singleton High School | |
St Catherines High School Singleton | |
Australian Christian College, Singleton | |
TAFE | Australia’s largest regional vocational education and training provider |
Youth Connections Worker, Joblink Plus | Provides employment and welfare services, support and training |
MAX Employment | Provides government funded programs including job services Australia |
Youth Express | Linking young people with access to quality training and education opportunities |
Alcohol and Drug Information | 1800 422 499 |
Domestic Violence Hotline | 1800 810 784 |
Homeless Persons Info centre | 1800 234 566 |
Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800 |
Legal Aid Youth Hotline | 1800 10 18 10 |
Lifeline | 131114 |
Pregnancy Helpline | 1300 139 313 |
Q Life | 1800 184 527 |
Rape Crisis Centre | 1800 424 017 |
Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467 |
Sexual Health Info line | 1800 451 624 |